We have been watching the social websites and SEO forums and noticed that I’ve noticed that the “talk” within the industry is pretty light for an update of this type. There is chatter from time to time, but nothing like what we witnessed in the volatility of the December product reviews or even the first product reviews update impact. It’s been less than six days, and the update is rolling out over a couple of weeks. Usually, we will see most of these updates within the first week or at least the first few days, but it doesn’t seem like an important update.
Is Your Website Affected by Google Product Reviews Update III?
If your website is affected by the review update, it was an important upgrade for you. When we say not a big update, it’s not as widely distributed, affecting more websites than the prior update. Perhaps this update is targeted more; perhaps there was some delay in releasing it.
We found out about the Twitter conversation between Barry Schwartz and Alan Kent (Someone from Google who offers updates on the updates). He said,
Barry Schwartz also created an online poll on Twitter to ask whether SEOs have noticed any changes after this update.
There’s a bit of chatter on the SEO forums. However, we think it’s not related to the product reviews section of websites. The chatter on two WebmasterWorld threads and threads on the BlackHat World threads (there are numerous) aren’t displaying concerns specific to sites that review products.
Some tools showed a spike just two days after the update; however, it is not in line with the conversation specifically on product review sites. I’ll provide the graphs so that you can view them all in one place:

As you see in the image, certain have spikes right following the release of the review update. However, the spikes aren’t at levels seen in previous review updates or core updates. Still, this update has shown volatility for a few websites.
Is it an Amazon Update?
It’s called the Amazon update as yet again. Google chooses to reward Amazon product pages with thin content or is completely unrelated to the search. In addition, We’re guessing that Amazon might have relied on Google to provide them with duplicate pages in the SERPs. This update will help Google to send tons of affiliate sales to Amazon.