He then briefly explained on Twitter that "you can surely do comparison product reviews. but just saying "Product X vs. Product Y" in the title is unlikely to make it considered a legitimate review."
So, in the end, it all depends on
- The amount of content created
- How the content is structured
- Whether you can call it a product review.
Google has been making basic product comparisons in search for a long time and then tried to get more sophisticated with buyer guides.
But when it comes to what actually triggers the Google product reviews algorithm, it should look at this piece of content. Google has dug more into that in their blog post over here.
Here are those tweets:

Google Product Reviews Algorithm
When you look at eCommerce product SERPS, you will find many saturated products with the best of lists and review guides. Google Product Reviews update algorithm may not agree with them, but we have used these products for years. So, we should refrain from making a final comment. Rather we should wait and see how this pans out over the next few months.
We know that people appreciate quality service and product reviews that share in-depth research. Also, people avoid reviews with thin content summarizing many products briefly. Google is sharing an improvement to their ranking systems, which they call the product reviews update. The primary goal behind the creation of the Google Product Reviews algorithm is to reward such rich content better. This will help those producing rich content in the product reviews area. It is good that the Google product reviews tool works with profiles with many listings. Though this product reviews update is not showing much impact for many businesses so far, few have expressed some visible volatility. Indepth SEO shares some key insights and features for Google Product Reviews update.