Google is very careful while updating the SERPs. This is a gradual process. Google first tests new updates or new search features thoroughly and releases later. But in recent times, to capture the events with a global impact, Google is adding drastic redesigns to help the reader to gather authentic news from reliable sources in real-time. Currently, the Russia-Ukraine crisis is the biggest and most highly-impacting global news. The Tsunami impact of this ongoing Russia Ukraine war has a global and a local impact as well. Google has released new updates to solve the current demand for information.
New Search Features for “2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine”
One obvious distinction between other SERPs and the SERP for queries related to the conflict in Ukraine is the headline that appears at the top: “2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.” These search features were not visible before the escalation of Ukraine Russia was in 2022, but added recently by the Google search engine.

New sections specifically visible for this global event are,
Estimated Losses
This section offers real-time information on human and property losses due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The data is directly fetched from Reuters, and it represents the measurements of the number based on your location. E.g. metric systems and imperial system.

Photo Carousal
Google has added these new search features specific to the events. The photos of the event are shared from Getty Images, which is distinct from the image carousel that typically appears in the main column of search results. Users can only scroll through these images.

For Context Section
This section offers background information on the topic. This doesn’t appear separately but as a part of the main search results column. For context, the section includes articles from authoritative sources which may be several days old, which may contrast with the top stories of that day. We discovered a similar feature a couple of years back.

Similar search features can be observed if you are searching on Corona. Previous to the COVID-Pandemic, search queries for Corona were associated with the popular Mexican beer brand. But now we get to see the following result.

Why New Search Features?
In conclusion, the current Russia Ukraine war and COVID pandemic have a global impact, and the authenticity of the shared information matters the most. The information resources offered by Google as search results only include highly trusted and authoritative news sources. These sources are consistent with their emphasis on ETA expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness for “Your Money or Your Life” – YMYL topics.