Google Analytics is rushing folks on Universal Analytics to set up the latest GA4 (Google Analytics 4). Why?
So Google wants to move away from Google Analytics 3 (Universal Analytics) and replace it with GA 4. On July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits. You need to switch over to GA 4 soon. It will allow you to compare year over year data cause GA 3 data won’t migrate to GA 4.
Many are asking – can they run both UA tracking code and GA4 codes simultaneously? The answer is Yes, at least until UA3 stops tracking.
What’s the response of Google on this? Interestingly we have two responses from different company sides.
UA Tracking Code and G4: Responses from Google
John Mueller, who works on the organic side of search, expressed that he is unsure. According to him, running both – UA tracking code and GA4 codes will make things slower. He said,
What is dual tagging?
Dual tagging adds Google Analytics 4 (GA4) tracking to your website alongside your existing Universal Analytics tags. Analytics Help is available for those who are entirely new to Google Analytics.
The benefits of dual tagging
More historical data
GA4 doesn’t bring in any historical data that you have tracked in Universal Analytics (UA). Once it’s set up, it starts tracking. You will need to have more historical data if GA4 tags are not installed as soon as possible.
Future-proof yourself
Google has yet to announce when Universal Analytics will cease to exist. While GA4 is the default tracking for new properties, you can still create Universal Analytics properties. Do not procrastinate; get your GA4 setup started now, and you will be a blessing to your future self.
Take more time to adjust to the new interface.
You can set up duel tags and quickly get used to the product. Google Analytics 4’s learning curve may seem steep if you are unfamiliar with the existing Analytics for Firebase and App+Web. Give yourself ample time to master the new tool.